
Katie Drew

Katie drew is a delightful artist who creates detailed, quirky images that have a wonderful cosy feel to them, they spark memories and imagination and inspire you to sit down and draw what you're feeling and thinking for as long as you fancy. Her designs combine sweet drawings, text and various every day materials, a great example of imaginative and extremely charming traditional art works.

In the Grip of Adult Limbs

Tell us more about your featured project?
My book 'In the Grip of Adult Limbs,' is about innocence and experience. It is a personal diary of me trying to work out the experience I have and why this means I am no longer innocent. I'm 19 so a part of me still feels like a child and this is why the book is quite melancholic, I think the book shows that I want to cling onto my childhood as long as possible and I don't know whether this is a good or bad thing. I was inspired by Blake's 'Songs of Innocence and Experience.' Here, experience isn't necessarily a good thing, rather something sinister and corrupt. In his poem 'London' he talks about 'mind-forg'd manacles.' I interpret this as experience tormenting adults and imprisoning them in their own brain. I think my book is about me being a bit scared of experience and my future adult life, also being a bit ashamed to cling onto my childhood for as long as possible.


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